Small Effort
Make Big Change.
Volunteers do not necessarily have the time they just have the heart. Read more
Welcome to New Hope For Near Future Read more

Together to help the world better!

Please help us change lives around the world.


Interested in a learning experience with benefits? Suppose you are part of a nonprofit group classified as a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) and are looking for ways to help your community spread information about the benefits of healthy living and plant-based nutrition. In that case, you are eligible to apply for an opportunity to raise funds for your organization while benefiting from the educational programs and activities offered through the EleV. Life Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
Help the world better!

Featured Programs

The Sharkless alternative for the at-risk, disadvantage
Sustainability minded Eco-Team working
Empowering our youth with STEM to solving local
Dealing with Marketing, sales, and public speaking

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1.4 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR is spent on enslaving “wild” adults who come from highly dysfunctional parenting; grooming; the “criminal” is coached by bad parenting into this money-making industry… “The

How To Help?

The EleV foundation is all about sharing, teaching, enlightening youths, and the disadvantage of properly launching their own social entrepreneurship venture.

The YEP4Life (Youth Entrepreneurship Program) is committed to establishing a statewide collaborative of traditional and non-traditional organizations whose collective efforts engage  NYC in the awareness and importance of the safe environment for growth through technology and innovation in our future.